(Gertrudis Goldschmidt) (1912-1994)
... See Artist 
Líneas Separadas, 1973
Stainless steel and bronze wires
Height: 230 cm
Diameter: 70 cm
Provenance: Galería Conkright, Caracas; The Collection of Ann Lewis, Australia (acquired from the gallery in 1974); Sotheby’s, Latin American Art, 30 May 2007, New York, lot 42
Hanni Ossott, Gego, Caracas, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas Editor, 1977, p. 109, no. 91, illustrated
Luis Pérez Oramas, “Gego, Residual Reticuláreas, and Involuntary Modernism: Shadow, Traces, and Site,” Questioning the Line: Gego in Context, MFAH International Center for the Arts of the Americas Series, Houston, Museum of Fine Arts, 2003, p. 106, no. 12, illustrated